This must-have business book captures the talent and knowledge of more than 70 women business owners from across the state and presents their insight in easy-to-read chapters. 
Dozens of business topics are organized into several functional sections, such as marketing, administration, HR, sales, finance, business law, professional development, leadership, and work-life balance. 
Every business manager, owner, or aspiring entrepreneur will find this book a valuable source of inspiration for learning from other successful business owners on how to succeed in business (by really trying!).
To purchase a prepublication copy, visit www.woodpeckerpress.com and Use Discount Code: BBBNJ8
Or to purchase a copy, check it out on AMAZON
Scheduled Publication Date: June 1, 2012
For a complete list of the BBB Authors featured in this book, visit www.BigBoldBusiness.com/authors

Big Bold Business Volume 2 is a must-have business resource for entrepreneurs, start-ups, and business owners. The wisdom and expertise of 40 U.S. business owners captured in each of their chapters will help you start, maintain, and grow your business. Divided into 10 sections—branding, business growth, content marketing, customer relations, leadership, legal and finance, management and organization, marketing, sales, and work-life balance—the book covers many aspects of business ownership. Each chapter, with its ready-to-use business tips and advice, is for business owners with big dreams and big plans. This book is an ideal resource for entrepreneurs, owners of a small business, and professionals in private practice.
To purchase a copy, check it out on AMAZON
Published: October, 2015